What happened in Emmerdale tonight: Tom showed his true colours as he lashed out at Amelia in front of everyone

Emmerdale tonight saw Tom King slip up when he launched a tirade of abuse

on Amelia in public. Surely there’s no coming back from that now?

Meanwhile, Ross was winding Mackenzie up and it worked, and John worried about Robert.

Here’s all that happened in Emmerdale tonight, Tuesday November 5.

Amelia was devastated at Tom's harsh tirade (Credit: ITV)
Amelia was devastated at Tom’s harsh tirade (Credit: ITV)

Tom hit out at Amelia

Sam and Lydia’s bonfire party was getting going and Nicola agreed to meet Jimmy there so he could spend some time with Angel. Only after Tom insisted he wasn’t going because he was in too much pain after ‘being attacked’.

Tom went back on his word, though, and went to the event with Amelia. Nicola was not best-pleased to see him, but agreed to ignore it to enjoy the evening with her family. Bob even bought them all a hotdog as a peace offering. He said it was time to move on as it’s what Heath would have wanted.

But things took a turn when the guy was brought out and put on the bonfire and it was a clearly an effigy of Tom. Did he make it himself? We suspect so, but as he threatened the Dingles wanting to know who had done it, one by one they all admitted to being behind it. How very I am Spartacus!

Amelia then went into bat for him, but all that did was rile Tom up even more. Tom turned on her. He told her he hadn’t wanted to come and it was all her idea. She seemed confused as she thought it had been his idea. He accused her of meddling, told her she was chasing after him like a stray dog and was pathetic. Amelia ran off, leaving Tom looking slightly worried he’d gone too far – ya think? Even Jimmy looked uncomfortable with the situation.

Can Tom rectify this and put himself back in control? Or has hitting out in front of a crowd shown the village what they already knew – he is a nasty abuser? Is this finally the beginning of the end for him?

Ross and Mack will never be friends (Credit: ITV)
Ross and Mack will never be friends (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale tonight: Ross wound Mack up

Ross wanted to do a firework display for the kids as an olive branch to Mack and suggested they stage it together. But Mack thought it was another dangerous idea and waxed lyrical about being a safety conscious dad.

As he tried to patronise Ross, Ross fought back throwing what happened with Chloe and Reuben in his face. He then insisted he and Charity still had a connection and referenced their heart to heart yesterday.

Mack went to see Charity and asked for the truth about their ‘connection’. Charity confessed Ross had kissed her. As Mack went apoplectic Charity insisted they were solid, but Mack was going to kill Ross apparently. He’s clearly forgetting the last few times Ross has kicked his backside!

Mack later returned home to Charity and told her he believed her. They insisted they were “unbreakable” (which is foreshadowing if ever we heard it) and made up. So how long until Charity’s in bed with Ross then?

Also in Emmerdale tonight…

Liam won't get rid of Ella easily (Credit: ITV)
Liam won’t get rid of Ella easily (Credit: ITV)

Ella didn’t make it easy

Ella was moving out and Mandy was helping her. But Ella was adamant she was not leaving the surgery as well as her home. Liam tried to talk her out of it and felt working together might be a bit awkward. Ella did not and said she was taking the job, end of discussion.

Will John take Victoria's advice? (Credit: ITV)
Will John take Victoria’s advice? (Credit: ITV)

John brooded

Aaron was feeling glum over Seb and it’s brought up all sorts of memories for him. John overheard him confiding in Victoria and tried to lighten the mood, but Aaron sulked off. Victoria advised her brother to talk about his feelings to Aaron. That’s a new idea, isn’t it?!

But rather than talking, John took the brooding approach, worrying over how deeply involved Aaron and Robert really were – clearly he’s not aware of the Robron hashtag, eh? But will he take Vic’s advice and just ask Aaron about it?

Jade was not letting Ross off (Credit: ITV)
Jade was not letting Ross off (Credit: ITV)

More fight club in Emmerdale tonight

Ross was clearly being followed, but not by Mackenzie, by someone who actually could take him on and frighten him. Jade was waiting with her heavies and they gave him a pasting before hanging him over a bridge. Ross is being made to fight again.

Jade then paid Dawn a visit and they bonded over wine, leaving Billy shocked and furious. He tried to stand up to Jade and even offered to help her out with money. Jade laughed in his face and threatened Dawn and the kids, leaving Billy with little choice but to face Ross in the ring again.

They both insisted this would be the last time and an end to it – and we really pray that it is because we can’t watch much more of it.

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