Nicola King proved she is absolutely not backing down in Emmerdale
tonight as she picked her team and made her feelings about Tom perfectly
clear. Honestly, we’ve never much warmed to Nicola until now when we absolutely love her!
Elsewhere, Liam was a bumbling wreck, but he managed to do the deed. Now he just has to live with the consequences. Here’s everything that happened in Emmerdale tonight.

Nicola took on Tom
Not preparing to sit around and let Tom get away with it, Nicola turned her attentions to grilling Amelia for information. But Tom caught them and insisted Nicola talk to him directly. He then sat her down for ‘a chat’ to get to know each other better.
He tried to play patronising Mr Nice Guy, but Nicola did not buy that Belle imagined it all due to her mental health. She told him he was wasting his time, she could see through him and his lies. We’ve never liked Nicola this much before!
Tom tried desperately to manipulate her, despite her standing up to him. But she gave it to him with both barrels insisting he was a wife beater – at which point Jimmy walked in. And once again took Tom’s side.
Divorce him, Nicola. Now.
Well, she didn’t quite go that far, but as Jimmy insisted she apologise to Tom, Nicola refused. And then she said her and the kids were moving to Laurel’s until Tom left. Tom offered to move out, but Jimmy told him to stay put, accusing Nicola of playing games.
But Nicola was deadly serious insisting she would not have Tom around her children. Then she went to pack her bags.
We never thought we’d say this, but we are totally Team Nicola. How can Jimmy not put his own children first? It’s beyond us. He is an absolute idiot.
And go Nicola! Is anyone else thinking of a DS Foy and Nicola King spin-off series bringing abusers to justice? Just us? Okay then…

Liam did the deed in Emmerdale tonight
Liam was once again apologising to Chas who insisted he had to break up with Ella. He finally plucked up the courage to talk to her, but she jumped in and started banging on about their first Christmas together. He bumbled and stumbled but eventually told her it wasn’t working. He also lied there was no one else, which was probably a mistake.
The sticking point now is that she has nowhere else to go so they have to keep on living together. He suggested staying with Chas, but as he hadn’t told the truth about their relationship that was a definite no-go as far as she was concerned. What a pickle, Dr C.
Also in Emmerdale tonight…

Did Mack set Ross up?
There was trouble at the farm when Mack supposedly saw some men hanging out, so Ross went to sort it with a gun. But when he fired a warning shot to whoever it was, it was Moses who appeared, alongside Mack. Oops. But something stinks here – did Mack set him up to make him look bad in front of Charity? Mackenzie certainly didn’t waste any time laying it on thick to his wife about what a bad dad Ross was almost shooting his own son.
Charity, of course, have a go at Ross about the incident, but he turned it round and commented that she kept trying to save him. Is there something in it? Does Charity still lust after Ross?
Angelica returned
Angelica is home, but she was worried about what people thought of her. Jimmy was Mr Perky Positive insisting it was a fresh start, but then Bob came across them and didn’t react well, particularly as she was wearing Heath’s hoodie.
When Angel walked into the house to find Tom and Nicola arguing, she ran out, upset. Nicola found her on the bridge and tried to comfort her, promising she was going to get her daughter through this.
Meanwhile, Bob was in the pub nursing a pint and drowning his sorrows. He doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to make peace with it. Laurel advised him he had to move on, but can he?