As fans will recall, Mel’s sister Joey discovered a postcard
that linked their mother to a mystery man, who just happened to reside
in the sleepy town Mel relocated to after the devastating losses in her life.
In a special Virgin River Christmas episode, Mel decided to undertake a search for the man, whom she believed to be her father. Jack was by Mel’s side for the journey, which led them all over hill and dale until they finally managed to secure a name and address for her mom’s past love.
Mel approached Everett Reid, but it wasn’t the fairytale meeting with her biological father she hoped for, as he denied his true identity and all but closed the door in her face.
Hurt, but standing strong, Mel took the rejection in stride for the most part, but there was no denying the delight in her eyes, or heart, when Reid later showed up at their cabin to apologize and to ask to be a part of her life, bringing with him a packet of letters from her late mother.