These seven will make you want to watch the whole show again.
Virgin River isn’t the most consistent of shows. But there are moments
that blow the minds of even the show’s most loyal fans.
Although Joey was only briefly on the show, she provided plenty of background for Mel’s story. But she also wreaked havoc story-wise. For example, her birthday was supposed to be the day after she arrived in Virgin River, but the next morning she picked up her belongings and left, with no one to wish her a happy birthday.
Is the man who helped Muriel in Seattle during her trip there Cameron’s dad?
Muriel and Cameron’s romance is arguably one of the most controversial character arcs on the show. But what makes it even more unsettling is the thought that she may have known his father from her trip to Seattle. Doc had called his friend to help her, and Cameron is supposed to be his friend’s son.
Why does Jack’s supposed handwriting look different every time?
This has to be the silliest of all the show’s bloopers, and the props department is to blame. In every note Jack leaves for Melinda, his handwriting looks different, which is disconcerting to say the least.
Does Denny sleep on the same bed as Hope and Charmaine at Doc’s house?
Given that Doc’s practice is in his home, many Virgin River may have slept in the same bed. But it is still amazing to realize that three of the show’s characters must have slept in the same bed throughout the show.
What prompted Ricky to return the bottle of tequila he’d stolen?
Working at Jack’s bar, Ricky stole a bottle of tequila to impress Lizzie. The two took only a few swigs straight from the bottle, and then for some reason Ricky returned it. Did he feel remorse? Well, that’s commendable, but the bottle covered in their spittle was probably used to serve drinks to other townspeople, which is disgusting.
Why did the gifts from the baby shower look neatly packed afterwards?
Maybe this is just another blooper, but it continues to haunt the audience. Charmaine asked Jack to keep track of the gifts she received at the baby shower, but after the party, the gifts looked untouched.
What’s engraved on the necklace Jack gave Mel?
Throughout the show’s five seasons, Jack has given Melinda a number of pieces of jewelry, the most exciting of which is a necklace with some sort of inscription. Unfortunately, the inscription is never shown, which drives some viewers crazy.