Without a doubt, the Sister Wives stars are going through a new chapter in their lives.
Now that the family has laid Garrison Brown to rest, how does that affect the presence
of the family featured in the show? Which Brown family members refuse to be filmed in the aftermath of his tragedy?
Garrison Brown’s Passing Is Deeply Impacting The Brown Family
Undeniably, the Brown family was rocked after the tragic loss of Garrison Brown. While Sister Wives gave a brief tribute to the precious boy, fans are wondering how his death will affect his siblings. After Janelle Brown discussed Garrison’s passing, there was a strong resentment mentioned in his letter to the family about filming. Likewise, his friends were protesting that TLC should cancel the show knowing how badly it was impacting Kody, Robyn, Meri, Janelle, and Christine Brown’s children.

Brown Kids Refuse To Be Filmed Amid Garrison Tragedy?
On Reddit, several Sister Wives fans discussed who would be included in the seasons after Garrison Brown’s tragic passing. First, a user says, “How many kids refuse to film? Brown kids” Then, they add, “Seems like Logan, Leon, and Gwen (?) are out. Anyone else? I’m proud of those who refuse to participate in the process.” Many fans have seen Logan and Michelle pull away.