SHOCKING NEWS!!! Y&R Spoilers Jack slaps Kyle when he sees him working with Victor – father and son become enemies

**Y&R Spoilers: Jack Slaps Kyle When He Sees Him Working with Victor – Father and Son Become

In the heart of Genoa City, tensions reach a boiling point as Jack Abbott confronts a betrayal that cuts

deeper than any business rivalry. Jack’s son, Kyle Abbott, has aligned himself with Victor Newman, the

man determined to destroy the Abbott legacy. The pain and anger Jack feels are almost unbearable as he realizes his own flesh and blood has divulged Jabot’s secrets to their greatest enemy.

Jack storms into Kyle’s office at Newman Enterprises, his face a mask of fury. “Kyle, we need to talk,” he demands, his voice barely controlled. Kyle looks up from his desk, a mixture of defiance and guilt in his eyes. “What is it, Dad?” Jack grabs Kyle’s arm, pulling him out of the office. “We’re going home to talk about this. This is not the place.”

The drive back to the Abbott mansion is silent, the air thick with unspoken words. Once inside, Jack’s restraint crumbles. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done? You’ve handed Victor the keys to destroy everything we’ve built!” he yells. Kyle’s eyes flash with anger. “Everything I’ve done, I’ve done because of how you and Diane treated me. You think I’m stupid? You think I don’t know how you really feel about me?”

Jack is momentarily taken aback, his anger overshadowed by confusion. “What are you talking about, Kyle? This has nothing to do with Diane. This is about you betraying your family.” Kyle’s voice rises, filled with bitterness. “I’ve been trying to build something for myself, something that’s mine. I’m working on developing Victor’s Glasseside, not interfering in your war with him.”

Jack shakes his head, despair creeping into his voice. “Don’t you see, Kyle? Victor doesn’t care about you or Glasseside. He’s using you to get to me. You’re just a pawn in his game.” Kyle’s resolve hardens. “I’m done listening to you, Dad. You and Diane never believed in me. It’s too late now.”

Jack’s heart aches at the sight of his son’s hardened expression. Desperation takes over as he tries to reach Kyle. “Son, you’re making a mistake. Victor is manipulating you just like he does with everyone. Come back to Jabot. We can work through this together.”

Kyle’s eyes are cold, his voice steady. “No, Dad. I’m staying with Victor. At least he sees my potential.” The words are like a knife to Jack’s heart. In a moment of uncontrollable emotion, he lashes out, slapping Kyle across the face. The sound echoes in the room, a shocking punctuation to the heated argument. Kyle staggers back, his hand flying to his cheek. The shock quickly turns to fury. “You just proved my point, Dad. I’m done with you.”

Jack’s eyes widen in horror at what he’s done. “Kyle, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…” But it’s too late. Kyle’s hatred ignites, a smoldering ember now fanned into a raging fire. He turns on his heel and storms out, leaving Jack standing in the wreckage of their relationship.

Jack collapses onto the couch, his head in his hands. How had it come to this? How had he lost his son to Victor Newman of all people? The weight of his failure presses down on him, heavier than anything he’d ever faced in business. He knows that mending his relationship with Kyle will be the hardest battle he’s ever fought, but he can’t give up. Jack Abbott is many things, but he is not a quitter, especially when it comes to his family.

As days turn into weeks, Jack reaches out to Kyle repeatedly, only to be met with silence or cold rejection. He seeks advice from friends and family, anyone who might have a solution, but the more he tries, the more distant Kyle becomes. Meanwhile, Victor watches with a satisfied smirk as the Abbott family unravels. His plan is working perfectly. Kyle is firmly in his grasp, and Jack is too distracted by personal turmoil to mount any effective resistance.

Victor meets with Kyle often, feeding his ego and deepening the wedge between him and Jack. “You’re doing great, Kyle. Together we can build something incredible.” Kyle nods, but a part of him still feels uneasy. Is he truly building something of his own, or is he merely a tool in Victor’s grand scheme? Doubts gnaw at him, but his anger towards Jack keeps them at bay.

Jack, on the other hand, is relentless in his efforts to win back his son. He starts showing up at Kyle’s events, offering support from a distance, trying to show that he cares. He sends messages of encouragement, reminders of their past, and apologies for his mistakes. One evening, Jack decides to make one final attempt. He invites Kyle to dinner at their family home. To his surprise, Kyle accepts.

As they sit down, the atmosphere is tense but hopeful. Jack speaks first, his voice filled with sincerity. “Kyle, I know I’ve made mistakes. I know I’ve hurt you. But I love you, son, more than anything. I want to fix this.” Kyle looks at his father, the walls around his heart trembling slightly. “Dad, it’s not that simple. You can’t just erase the past.”

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