Ross is back and Rebecca is dead so who will he hook up with next? From Victoria to Tracy, fans start to speculate

Ladies of Emmerdale watch out – Ross Barton is back in town, and he’s

a single man. This week’s episodes of the soap followed the fallout as

the village badboy returned, setting the cat among the pigeons.

As he refamilarised himself with his neighbours, Ross dropped the news that Rebecca had died. Rebecca and Ross originally left the village together with her son Seb, for a new life in Liverpool, back in 2018.

Ross talks to Charity on Emmerdale
Ross told Charity that Rebecca’s dead (Credit: ITV)

Ross reveals what happened to Rebecca and Seb

However, it seems like their happily ever after wasn’t to last – with the pair first breaking up, and then Rebecca dying during a routine surgery. Last night (Thursday, October 31) Ross revealed that Seb had gone to live with one of Rebecca’s relatives – leaving him as a single man.

This left fans wondering who Ross’s future love interests might be.

News of Seb stunned Victoria (Credit: ITV)
Victoria is just one of many names fans think Ross could hook up with (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale fans place their bets on future love for Ross

Writing on a Reddit thread, fans shared their thoughts on who Ross might set his sights on.

“Charity, Tracy or Dawn,” suggested one fan.

Ross has history with both Charity and Dawn of course; with Charity being the mother of his child, and Dawn being a former sex worker who bonded with Ross over their past trauma and addiction issues.

With Ross having clashed with Billy in the ring, the pair are already at loggerheads. Can writers resist pairing him with Dawn?

Sparks have flown between Ross and Charity since his return – to Mack’s chagrin – will history repeat itself? And, as for Tracy, she’s newly single too, since the recent exit of Nate from the village.

“If Seb returns, I could see Victoria and Ross bond and grow closer looking after him,” said another.

“That Jade,” suggested a third, wondering whether there could be more between him and his dodgy fight club promoter than simple business.

“Probably Ella,” another said – not a bad shout, given her relationship to Liam appears to be on its last legs.

Who would you like to see Ross with? One thing’s for sure: whoever he does end up with, knowing Ross, it’s bound to be messy.

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