Well! There is a lot to say in this week’s Emmerdale review! Because what a week of Emmerdale that was!
Even in such an action-packed week, of course one story stands out: Tom’s evil attempt to hurt Belle by hurting Piper!
It was gasp-out-loud shocking and we are desperately hoping that Piper pulls through.
And that was only a small part of the dramatic events in this week’s Emmerdale. Read on for the rest of our Emmerdale review of the week to find out what we thought.
Paddy and Mandy’s super-quick wedding in our Emmerdale review
After a few hiccups, Paddy and Mandy finally made it to the altar for the second time, 25 years after they first tied the knot. They raced through their vows in record speed so they could get it all done before vicar Charles had to rush off again.
And that was really the theme of the whole thing – speed. Mandy’s money troubles only emerged a couple of weeks ago, she set up her fin-dom alter-ego Madame Diamante Dales last week, and paid off a chunk of her debts almost immediately.

The truth is out!
But within days, her future father-in-law Bear had found out, given her an ultimatum to stop or he would tell Paddy. Mandy agreed, but Bear set her up, exposed her – in a manner of speaking – and the truth was out.
Paddy decided the wedding was off, but a quick chat with Mandy later and everything was on again.
Our heads were spinning with the speed of it all. But we can’t deny it’s nice to see Paddy and Mandy happy. Let’s just hope it lasts!

Sugden secrets
Normally a newcomer to the village who’s hiding a secret leaves us cold. But to our own surprise, we’re finding John Sugden rather intriguing!
It’s partly the casting. Oliver Farnworth is bringing hints of both Jack and Robert Sugden to the role, and physically he’s perfect to be a Sugden. (We reserve the right to take all of this back in a future Emmerdale review if John turns out not to be a family member after all!)

More secrets!
Anyway, John’s prickly nature and downright hatred of Mack has won us over (come on, Mack’s very annoying!). And then Victoria found his army dog tag. He said he didn’t want to talk about that part of his life, which is interesting in itself.
But it turned out the dog tag wasn’t even his! Instead it bears the name Aidan Moore. WHO is Aidan? Why does John have his dog tag? We’re definitely invested in this now.

Vinny and Gabby
We loved Liv but it’s nice to see Vinny finding some happiness after so much heartache. And who knows, maybe he’ll calm Gabby down a bit. We think this unlikely match could just work.

Tom and Piper
OMG, where to begin with this one?! We still feel a bit sick just thinking about it. Having tormented Belle while she was in Scotland with endless messages, her abusive husband Tom was determined to keep up his harassment when she returned.
First, he bought her a car, which everyone thought was totally lovely – except Belle herself (and Charity, who’s thankfully still suspicious). Belle turned down his gift, but Tom wasn’t finished.
He let himself into the cottage, bringing flowers and a pint of milk for Belle, and acting like everything was normal. He told Belle they should get back together, and when she said no, he wasn’t happy.
Tom tried his old tricks, telling Belle she wasn’t strong enough to make such a big decision. He even threatened to take his own life. It was tough to watch! But Belle stayed strong.

More threats
As usual, though, Tom had the upper hand – chillingly watching Belle through his hidden cameras. He could even see her undressing in the bathroom and later watched her sleep FROM INSIDE HER HOUSE. We’re into horror movie territory here!
And that wasn’t even the worst bit. In Friday’s episode, Belle stood up to Tom in public, humiliating him in the pub. And so Tom took terrible revenge.
He drove off in the Mini he’d bought for Belle and saw Piper in the road. Did he stop to make sure she was safe? No. He. Did. Not.
Instead, he put his foot down and accelerated towards the helpless pup.
Did you gasp out loud? We definitely did! Will evil Tom be the hero for saving the pooch’s life, or will he give Belle a shoulder to cry on if Piper doesn’t make it? Either way, it’s not looking good for Belle!