Is This Really Happening? Cameron Kirsten Surprise Comeback Changes Everything on Y&R

Sharon’s situation is really not doing great the difference between sanity

and insanity is getting smaller in her world and it seems like her hallucinations

might give her a really bad time late Cassie and kissing a passionate Nick might

not be the end of Sharon’s hallucinations there’s one man who made it insufferable for her to live her life and it hasn’t been long since he died or did he how sure are we that Cameron Christen is dead given that Sharon’s running his and that Cameron hasn’t

shown up again it seems pretty likely for his demise to be legit but just because he died in reality doesn’t mean he’s haunting memories and presents are dead

from Sharon’s mind so imagine Sharon hallucinating about Cameron feeling like someone’s always watching her recalling the horrific incidents and making up scenarios that never happened thinking is’s haunting her again hallucinations can occur in people with bipolar disorder but Sharon’s mental instability hset schizophrenia as well

regardless bipolar or schizophrenic Cameron could be very much alive in Sharon’s mind now Cameron was a pretty loved villain of the show too so it could be fun to see the character return and wreak havoc even though it’s as a fragment of Sharon’s madeup reality for those of you who might need a refresher Cameron Kristen was involved in a kidnapping plaw that targeted Faith just recently and it ended with his supposed death bombs were involved and so many more shocking things and that’s not even

the end of his ruthless Saga his obsession with Sharon has made him do so many worse things but will not get into the details for now so could he really be back to haunt Sharon once more it seems like his ghostly presence is set to make Sharon question everything she thought she knew Sharon has been experiencing some unsettling Visions lately and they’re about to get a whole lot worse Cameron might not be back in the flesh but that doesn’t mean Sharon is out of the words her hallucinations of Cameron are about to intensify making

her question her sanity and pushing her to the brink in the upcoming episode airing on August 2nd Sharon is going to have a horrifying wakeup call Imagine waking up to the face of your Tormentor staring back at you that’s the kind of nightmare Sharon is about to endure the hallucinations will feel all to real and Sharon’s reactions could become dangerously unpredictable as Sharon’s mental state deteriorates her behavior could become increasingly erratic what if she mistakes someone else for Cameron

and acts out in a way that puts her at risk this terrifying realization might be the jel Sharon needs to understand just how serious her condition is while Sharon wrestles with these inner demons her friends and family will be doing everything they can to support her but will their efforts be enough to pull her back from the edge how will they cope when they see the extent of her hallucinations and the toll it’s taken on her the chapter in Sharon’s life is going to be packed with emotional ups and doubts will she find the inner

strength to conquer these terrifying visions and and reclaim our sense of reality the drama and turmoil ahead are sure to keep us all on the edge of our seats thanks for tuning in if you’re as eager as we are to see how Sharon’s story

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