Tonight’s episode of Emmerdale confirms that two secrets, which have been bubbling away, are finally out. The episode, which is available to watch on ITVX, has revealed the lives of two families will be completely changed forever following the shocking revelations.
Yes, it is finally time for Steph Miligan to discover the truth about her grandfather. Meanwhile, Vanessa Woodfield’s digging into Suzy’s mystery woman brings her answers she never wanted.

Emmerdale spoilers for tonight – Steph discovers the truth
For weeks Steph has been perfecting her ‘where for art thou, Grandad’ routine, whimpering on and on and on. Frankly, if we’d heard the word grandad one more time we’d have told her ourselves, but thankfully it hasn’t come to that.
This week has seen Steph really ramp up her search. She even tricked her dad by saying Anthony had called her and he was fine just to see Caleb’s reaction. But Caleb was one step ahead, didn’t react and merely told Ross to stop Steph’s obsession.
Ross didn’t manage it though and on Tuesday night (March 11) Steph discovered a gun in Caleb’s secret safe. She instantly decided the gun was used on Anthony to kill him. But Caleb and Ruby came up with a story to throw her off the scent: the gun was meant for Cain.
Unconvinced, Steph rushed to Cain’s place where he confirmed the exact same details Caleb had told her. It’s almost like it was the truth – except we then found out Caleb had got to Cain first and made him play along.
But such a finely tuned story made Steph even more suspicious. With the bit between her teeth, she announced to Ross she was going to the police. She firmly believes if her parents were involved in Anthony’s disappearance they should “get what’s coming”.
Ross ran to tell Caleb in Thursday’s episode and it left Caleb and Ruby with little option left. After Caleb makes a dramatic decision, Ruby became desperate to stop her husband from doing something stupid.
At last, Steph found out everything about her grandfather’s abuse and her true parentage and his death. But how will she cope? Will she still shop her parents?

Vanessa made a discovery
As the Miligans were having their family torn apart, Vanessa was also a woman on a mission. She was determined to find out who Suzy kissed.
Earlier this week Vanessa found incriminating message on Suzy’s phone. They revealed she had kissed someone else, was having doubts about Vanessa and was planning to end things. Given Vanessa was planning to propose, she has been left heartbroken to have got things so wrong.
Determined the only way she can get closure is to find out who the other woman was, Vanessa hits a dead end. Until she finds a clue at her house and immediately connects it to Mary.
In disbelief, Vanessa storms round to confront the woman who has been her rock since Suzy’s death. Will Mary deny it? Or come clean? And how will Vanessa take the news?