Everyone on “Virgin River” has their secrets — and so does Jack. Martin Henderson
comments on the revelations about his character that appeared in the middle of Season 6. Spoilers!
“Virgin River” is back with another portion of romances, twists and small-town
drama. Jack (Martin Henderson) seems to be particularly unlucky this season, having his house burned down shortly after recovering from being shot. And in the middle of the season, it turned out that he, too, has his secrets.
Virgin River season 6: Martin Henderson on Jack’s wife
In Episode 5, Mel (Alexandra Breckenridge) learns completely by accident that her beloved has an ex-wife named Mandy. It’s quite a shock for her — and for the viewers, too. As it turns out, Martin Henderson himself was surprised, too.
In Episode 6, Jack explains: He simply forgot to mention his ex-wife, because he got married right out of high school, then went to Iraq, and she filed for divorce. It all lasted just three months and had no real impact on his life. Did it?
“Jack is honest when he says it’s not something he thinks about at all. It never had time to develop into something deep or serious. I don’t think it was a great love, it was more like she wanted to get married and he said, ‘OK.’ He was young,” Henderson says.
Showrunner Sue Tenney, on the other hand, points out another meaning to the whole storyline: that Jack was once married shows that he’s not the confirmed bachelor he seems. Commitment isn’t something he shies away from — which is ultimately good news for Mel. Of course, things could get worse if Mandy comes back to town and re-enters Jack’s life. Is that possible?
“Mandy coming to Virgin River would complicate things even more. It’s possible on this show,” admits Martin Henderson.