Home Farm has proven to be a popular place to stay for many
Emmerdale residents over recent years, but Kim Tate has now been left
in the property nearly alone. Following the exit of Dawn and Billy, as
well as Rose’s disappearance, there’s only Kim and Will left in Home Farm (well, when Kim’s not living it up in Dubai). The house tends to occupied by a family due to its huge size, so could Kim be set to give up her beloved home soon?
Here’s everything you need to know about Home Farm in Emmerdale.

Will Kim Tate leave Home Farm?
Home Farm had been full up until recent weeks. Following plenty of drama, Dawn and Billy have chosen to move out of the house and into Holdgate.
Meanwhile, Rose has disappeared so she’s not currently living there. This leaves just Will and Kim in the house, but Kim is currently away on a work trip.
Home Farm is THE largest property in the village, with it having been home to many families over the years. With the property now only being occupied by two people – who are undoubtedly set to break-up sooner rather than later (oh come on, we can all see it coming) – could we see Kim decide to leave? She did look rather comfortable at the B&B recently…
Or could we see her joined by a new housemate? Any takers?!

Home Farm ownership over the years
Luxurious Home Farm has been home to several families over the years. The first family to ever occupy the property was the Verneys and it was known as Miffield Hall at the time.
The house was then snapped up by NY Estates, who renamed it Home Farm. 10 years later, the first Tate family moved into Home Farm when Frank took ownership of the property. They stayed there until 2005, when the Kings took over. The Wylde family then enjoyed a stint at the house, followed by the Maceys and then the Whites.
However, in 2018, the Tate family took back the property with Joe officially claiming ownership. When Kim returned to the village she took up residence at Home Farm and has remained there ever since.
But… a certain someone has been desperate to build a bigger and better version of Home Farm (cough, cough, Caleb). So, could he soon sweep the huge house away from Kim and claim it as his own?