Luna finally learns that Finn is her dad on The Bold and the Beautiful. Soap Hub had the chance to catch up with actress Lisa Yamada to get her thoughts on the new dynamic for her character. She’s looking forward to exploring new aspects of Luna’s life as Finn and Luna navigate their new relationship.
Luna’s New Reality
Soap Hub: How did you react when you first learned that Finn is Luna’s father?
Lisa Yamada: It was such a total shock! After playing Luna for the past two years, I had the same gut feeling that Tom Starr wasn’t actually her father. I feel like I’ve really started to understand her, and Finn was definitely a possibility I considered. I’d seen a couple of fan theories and thought, “Could it be?” but I didn’t expect it to actually happen. I was also convinced for a while that maybe Jack was her father. What a bold reveal! I’m really excited to explore this new dynamic between Finn and Luna – it’s going to be a lot of fun to play with!
SH: What was it like filming the big reveal scene?
LY: It honestly was a really heavy week. We filmed a lot of intense scenes back to back. Some might think that’s tough, but I actually loved it! I get to leave any external factors aside and fully immerse myself in the scene, just focusing on nailing it and giving my all for those 1-3 minutes. I really do love acting, and especially these emotional scenes— they fulfill me creatively and push me as an actor. It’s so cathartic to tap into those emotions, and I’m grateful to be given the material to do so.
SH: How has working with Tanner Novlan changed since you share this father-daughter connection on-screen?
LY: Tanner is such a lovely scene partner and an amazing co-worker. He always brings lightness to the set and makes everything feel like play. It’s funny because the scenes we were filming were totally opposite of the conversations we were having between takes! Tanner and I’s past scenes were always super casual and conversational, so it was a nice shift to explore this new, intense, and complicated dynamic. These scenes really taught me what a giving scene partner Tanner is. His portrayal of Finn truly helped me get there emotionally and made the work that much more honest.
SH: Did you approach playing Luna any differently after learning about her new family dynamic?
LY: Luna is at such a transitional period in her life, and it’s been so exciting to explore that. She’s full of uncertainty, but one thing she thought she could rely on was that Finn was her cool older cousin with a great career and family. So, having that turned upside down is a huge shift for her. Even though Luna has some answers now, I think she’s just as lost, if not more, than she was before. This has definitely been the most emotional I’ve gotten in the two years I’ve played Luna, and it was such a rewarding challenge. I think Luna is now on a new path of preservation, and she’s more desperate than ever to mend the relationships she’s broken.
SH: How do you think this revelation will change Luna’s relationships with Poppy, Steffy, and Bill?
LY: Luna definitely has a lot to be angry about with Poppy after this revelation, so I’m really excited to explore their complicated relationship. We already know what Luna did to Steffy, so navigating the fallout after finding out Finn is her father will be interesting as well. I’m also curious to see how this affects Luna’s relationship with Bill. There’s so much to look forward to with all these shifting dynamics!
SH: What do you think Luna wants most from Finn now that she knows the truth?
LY: I think at the core of it, Luna just wants a father-daughter relationship with Finn. It’s what she’s wished for her entire life. She wants his forgiveness and hopes he can believe in her and love her the way he loves Kelly and Hayes. But given everything Luna’s done, especially to Steffy — Finn’s biggest priority — I’m really curious to see how this all unfolds. The stakes are high, and it’s going to be interesting to watch how they handle this new situation.
SH: What has been the most exciting part of this storyline for you?
LY: The most exciting part has definitely been navigating Finn and Luna’s relationship. They haven’t had many deep, emotionally charged scenes together in the past, so it’s been such a fun challenge to explore these intense moments. And while some people might disagree, I genuinely love playing emotional scenes. They’re so therapeutic, and I always leave the set feeling really accomplished. I mean, how often does someone get to sob, scream, and cry on screen? It’s such a rewarding experience. I also love how this new storyline creates chaos in so many characters’ relationships. Luna’s actions always have a domino effect, and I’m here for every bit of it!