In Emmerdale spoilers for next week, Tina Dingle’s blackmail of cousin
Mandy continues. Mandy is desperate to keep Vinny’s parentage a secret
– allowing herself to be blackmailed by Tina to ensure her silence. As
the pressure grows, she confides in husband Paddy. This comes following Tina’s return to the village. Demanding what she believes is hers – the Dingle home – Tina has blackmailed Mandy, threatening to reveal that she is Vinny’s birth mother.
Can Paddy help Mandy find a way out of her blackmail hell? And how will the Dingles react when they learn that Zak’s will has been stolen?

Emmerdale spoilers
Mandy hands over the will
Tina is still living next door to Wishing Well, stubbornly maintaining her claim over the house. Already shocked by Tina’s audacity, he grows horrified when he learns that someone has stolen Zak’s will.
Having stolen the will in an attempt to pacify Tina, Mandy is desperate to keep the truth about Vinny’s parentage a secret. She reluctantly hands over the will, putting on a brave face in front of the Dingles.
However, she’s left frustrated when Vinny sticks up for Tina, telling them that she’s here to get to know here family rather than run off with Zak’s money.

Mandy seeks advice from Paddy
Tina tries to convince Sam to sell the house. After getting drunk, Sam accidentally reveals that Vinny has got Liv’s inheritance.
Then, Mandy makes a confession to Paddy. Feeling bolstered after a pep talk from her husband, she begins to feel better about the situation.
But can she continue to hide the truth about Vinny – or her own guilt in the theft of Zak’s will?