Emmerdale review of the week: Ross is back! Rebecca’s dead! And Nicola’s on the warpath!

This week’s Emmerdale review is full of disbelief! Because we’ve had some very

bad news about Rebecca and we’re really sad about it. But there have been some moments that made us laugh, too.

Here’s what’s got us sobbing and chuckling in this week’s Emmerdale review.

Ross Barton in the barn before the fight
Ross is back! (Credit: ITV)

Ross Barton is back!

We were delighted to hear Ross was coming back! He’s got so much history with people in the village, and we were with him every step of the way when he was coming to terms with the injuries from his acid attack.

Billy and Ross face off with Jade in between
Yes, we get it, you’ve both got big arms. Are we done now? (Credit: ITV)

But we didn’t like his arrival

But as much as we love Ross, we really dislike this whole bare-knuckle fighting storyline. Billy may be the most boring man in the village, and he’s not made more interesting by punching other men in the face.

Plus the whole set-up barely makes sense – if it was so important for Billy to lose the fight, why not just tell him that? It’s hardly an honest game anyway, so the whole thing being a set-up wouldn’t be a surprise, surely?

Anyway, that aside, the reveal that Ross was Billy’s opponent didn’t thrill us.

BUT despite his yawnworthy arrival, and the knowledge that there is more boxing boredom to come, we are loving Ross being back in the village.

Emmerdale's Mack, Mary and Ross are serious in the pub
The soft turnip, Mary and Ross (Credit: ITV)

Ross putting Mack in his place in our Emmerdale review

Of course one of the best things about Ross is him putting Mack firmly into his place. We especially enjoyed him calling Mack a “soft turnip” which is exactly what we’re going to call him from now on.

Ross and Rebecca get together
Ross and Rebecca were such a cute couple (Credit: ITV)

But there’s bad news too, in our Emmerdale review

We loved Rebecca White. Her total disregard for morals, her funny comments, and her redemption storyline after her brain injury all made her one of our fave characters. And we really loved her and Ross bonding over their life-changing injuries (not to mention their love of Real Hairdressers of Harrogate).

So we were devastated to discover that she and Ross had broken up – only to get the news seconds later that Rebecca is dead! WHAT? It’s such sad news, and yet another young woman killed off in soap, albeit off-screen.

Adam Barton and Moira hugging
See how happy Adam makes everyone?! (Credit: ITV)

Bring back Adam!

We were thrilled to hear Moira’s gone to visit her son Adam. And we are hoping she brings him back with her. Yes, we’ve been hoping that since he left in 2018, but honestly, we’re never giving this up. Never.

Nicola's furious with Tom
Yay, Nicola! (Credit: ITV)

Don’t get on Nicola’s bad side

We are LOVING Nicola’s one-woman campaign against Tom. She’s totally got the measure of him (finally) and she is not giving in. We were so pleased that she took little Carl down to the police station partly because it was the right thing to do, and partly because it proved to her son that she had his back – especially when muppet dad Jimmy clearly doesn’t.

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