Our Emmerdale review this week is a bit tearful! Give us a minute
while we recover after this week’s super emotional episodes.
The Dingles did Zak proud didn’t they? It was the perfect send-off for
the original Dingle, with lots of memories, a family member coming out of the woodwork and even an impromptu rendition of Hillybilly Rock. Here’s what we thought about the whole emotional week in our Emmerdale review.

Zak’s death
There is, of course, a place in soap for the big stunts, the dramatic episodes, and the over-the-top action. But there’s also a place for the quieter moments and that was proved brilliantly by this week.
Cain sharing the news that his dad had died with the family – while music played over the top so we didn’t hear what he said, nor how they reacted, was understated and so very effective, we’re choking up all over again just thinking about it.

And Zak’s funeral
Zak was never one to be conventional in life, and his plans for his send-off were just as different! He had left strict rules about what he wanted and the family did as he asked. He was brought back from Aberdeen, drummed through the village, and buried at home. Just as he’d asked.
We especially loved the Dingles getting the villagers to cough up for Zak’s celebration, and PC Swirling showing up to pay his respects. Perfect!

Tina’s arrival
Back in the day (and it really was way, way back in the day) we loved Tina Dingle so we were equally excited and nervous about her returning. Turns out, we needn’t have been nervous at all because she was perfect.
Newcomer Samantha Power captured just enough of original actress Jacqueline Pirie‘s mannerisms to the role to remind us who Tina was. And she brought some of her own too. And we cheered when Lydia shoved her in the mud! Don’t mess with Lyds, Tina.
You’ll learn.

Missing Dingles in our Emmerdale review
The only thing that didn’t sit quite right with Zak’s family funeral was well, the missing members of the family. Where was Rhona? Or Mack? The kids weren’t there either – no April or Leo, Kyle or Isaac, nor Moses. It seemed odd for them not to be there, no matter how quickly the funeral had been arranged. We definitely missed Debbie, too.

The Nate mystery continues in our Emmerdale review
Right, we’re sorry to keep going on about this, but the whole Nate thing is really odd, and we’re still not entirely convinced he’s alive. It sounds silly – and the fly in the ointment of this theory is the message he supposedly sent Tracy saying he was settling into life in Shetland – but go with us here.
His exit was so unsatisfactory, the barn fire was RIGHT THERE, and it’s pretty odd that he didn’t even reply to Tracy’s message telling him his grandad was dead.
Maybe Tracy’s holding him hostage, like Pierce did with Vanessa. Or perhaps he’s hiding in the cellar like Harriet Finch did, or maybe he did die in the barn fire, and it’s just no one has thought to look for him. Or maybe this is all just wishful thinking!

Caleb’s relentless vendetta
Caleb keeping Ruby from her dying mum, lying about it, taking a huge chunk of money from his mother-in-law, lying about that too, and generally acting in an unforgiveable fashion is awful. Awful!
We can’t see how Ruby can possibly get over this. Caleb has done a terrible thing. And for what exactly? For some weird vendetta against Kim who barely knows he exists. Get over it, Caleb. Time to move on!