EastEnders’ Sharon faces big consequences in early iPlayer release

EastEnders’ Sharon Watts has been left facing serious consequences during

Dean Wicks’ trial, in the show’s latest episode. Dean’s trial for the murder of Keanu

Taylor takes place this week, and The Six are determined to keep the truth under

wraps – that Linda Carter is actually the culprit. In today’s episode, Sharon was concerned about giving evidence, especially since Bernie firmly believes that she is responsible for Keanu’s death. She and Linda were both worried about the trial, but Phil reassured them that they are strong enough to get through the day. Suki and Kathy were keen to attend the trial, in fear that someone would slip up, while Denise was distracted at the hospital with Amy but pledged to be at the court. Stacey was the first to give evidence. She struggled with the questioning but decided to take Mo’s amusing advice of pretending not to hear Dean’s defence to give her extra thinking time.

As Sharon took the stand, back in the Square, Johnny reassured Linda about her own appearance in court. He urged her to keep things simple and warned that Dean’s defence would try to trip her up. Sharon explained her lie about Dean’s threat to Keanu, which led to an outburst in the court from Dean. Dean’s defence brought up Keanu’s kidnapping of Albie and the Christmas Day discovery that he isn’t Albie’s dad – hours before his death. As the lawyer used these events to discredit Sharon and Keanu, Bernie broke down in tears and yelled that Sharon was the actual murderer before running out of the courtroom.

The defence suggested that Sharon was the real culprit, before using her relationships with Phil and Grant Mitchell, and her four marriages, against her. Sharon wasn’t happy about the sexist remarks and snapped at the judge, who then found her in contempt of court for her response. The police took her away, and as Linda arrived at the court, she was horrified to see Sharon being restrained by the guards. “The lawyer got to me,” Sharon told Linda. “Don’t let him do the same to you. You stay strong. Because this is all on you now, Linda.” It was then that the pressure got too much for Linda, and she fled from the court as the other members of The Six watched on. Will Linda return to give evidence, and how will this affect Dean’s trial?

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