DISAPPEARING BELLE Emmerdale’s Belle Dingle finally escapes abuser Tom King in harrowing cottage episode – but she disappears

EMMERDALE’S Belle Dingle has finally escaped abusive husband Tom King in

harrowing cottage episode – but she’s been left more vulnerable than ever. The event

planner – who is played by actress Eden Taylor-Draper in the ITV soap – found

herself trapped in Wales in a remote cottage by Tom in tonight’s episode. But the brief period of no abuse didn’t last and Belle soon overheard Tom discussing extending the cottage rental and quitting his job to move to Wales permanently. She then soon realised that her phone had gone missing – after Tom hid it back at home. And things soon took a darker turn with Tom once again using Piper the dog to abuse Belle. After deciding that Belle put Piper at risk on a walk – which she didn’t – he tied the dog up outside and left her alone and terrified outside in all weathers and without food or water.

When Belle tried to bring her inside, Tom slammed his fists on the table and turned violent to stop Belle. Once he left for the shop Belle tried to get outside to Piper to give her water, but Tom locked her inside – forcing her to climb out of a window and promise the dog she would save her. Back inside when Tom returned he tried to gaslight Belle into thinking he didn’t lock her in. He then turned violent after she failed to be excited enough about his new job – brutally attacking her to the floor. The violent, harrowing scenes saw Belle with a nasty cut on her hand. “Don’t whimper, it’s pathetic,” he told her. “I’m educating you.”

He then told her that he was going to kill her – via medium of a short story – that saw her realise how dangerous he is and flee to the bathroom, locking herself in. Tom tried to get her to come out, but instead ended up confessing to how he’d always known about her secret abortion, leaving her even more disgusted. And when she wouldn’t fall for his lies again, he tried another tactic and pretended to have tried to take his own life with a faked overdose. Belle agreed to stay but Tom attacked her once more for burning his toast – trying to force her to eat before heading upstairs for a shower. Finally, in scenes viewers have wished for for months, Belle snapped and fled. He destroyed the cottage and ran after her screaming – as she made her way to a passing bus and begged the driver for help. She climbed on, cut and bruised, clearly terrified and handed over the change she had and the kind driver slammed the door shut so Tom couldn’t get to her. Driving off, Tom screamed: “Belle, what are you doing? Get off the bus. Final warning. Get off the bus now.” She was driven away with no money, no phone but with herself and Piper, leaving behind Tom and a smashed up cottage. Will she escape him for good or will Tom trap her again?

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