Following a harrowing dream, Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) launches a fresh
search with Ross Barton (Michael Parr), but it only leads to a worse realisation than ever that the outcome could be tragic.
And Rhona Goskirk (Zoe Henry) is suffering badly too, was she finds herself blamed
for what has happened – and she wonders who has betrayed her past to lead to this horrible allegation. Elsewhere, another exit is confirmed as a resident says goodbye while Joe Tate (Ned Porteous) is scheming again.
Monday January 13
Marlon has a horrific dream that April is dead and awakes horrifically shaken; but covers his upset to Rhona.
Vanessa shows Marlon the latest on the Hotten Courier website; it’s traumatic for Rhona when she finds out her past is being dredged up and used to cast aspersions about her being responsible for April’s disappearance

Later, Marlon’s a broken man as he admits the prospect April might be dead after all and he and Rhona weep together. The Woolpack punters rally round to provide fresh impetus for the hunt for his daughter. Just then Rhona receives a message from their police liaison…
Joe tries to build bridges with Noah by offering him VIP tickets to a Leeds match. And Charity’s frustrated to see Joe worming his way back into Noah’s life. She resolves to fix this by getting Ross to warn him off.

Moira prepares for her program of radiotherapy; Cain pledges to fulfil his promises to Moira and support her through her treatment as he endeavours to keep his guilt over Ruby buried. Moira’s touched by the support of her family.
Nicola arranges a tutoring session between Anthony and Angel.
Tuesday January 14
Marlon searches the city streets of Leeds desperately trying to engage passers by in the search for his missing daughter. He sees a young girl looking like April in the distance, and races to intercept her.
He is soon shocked to be faced with Ross. After an initial altercation, Ross does his best to buoy Marlon and keep up his hopes of finding April, however they are surrounded by reminders that she is just one of hundreds of thousands of missing people. Meanwhile, Rhona’s paranoid about who could have betrayed her to the press.

Ross’ intervention has caused Joe to back out of taking Noah to the footy and Noah can’t hide his hurt.Charity is delighted Ross’ warning had the desired effect.
Ruby returns home clutching the DNA test results, anxious over what they might reveal but Caleb returns so she stuffs it in her handbag.
When the reaction to the Hotten Courier’s article on Rhona blows up – Wendy gets caught in a blackmailing situation by the journalist.
Wednesday January 15
After having spent all night agonising, Ruby finally rips open the envelope containing the DNA test results, but before she can read the contents, Steph comes downstairs.

Chas tries to reassure Ruby that Caleb won’t turn his back on Steph, even if the test results prove the worst, Ruby decides it’s better to destroy the results without looking at them.
Caleb has a headache and finds the envelope. Ruby is thrown to return home and find her handbag open and Caleb holding the results in his hand.
Cain is struggling to contain his guilt, while Laurel arranges for Anthony to offer Arthur more private tutoring
Thursday January 16
Wendy’s has traded on Ella’s past to cover her own misdemeanours. Wendy’s life and career looks set to implode..