In Emmerdale tonight (Wednesday, October 30), Ross Barton
stirred up trouble in the Dales – and he’s only just got back.
Considering the mere mention of him caused trouble between
Charity Dingle and Mack – you have to give him props. Here’s what else happened in Emmerdale tonight.

Emmerdale tonight: Ross explained everything
Ross was standing over James Barton’s grave. Suited and booted in his usual tracksuit, he called out hello to cousin Matty. They shared a brief catch-up, where Ross indicated a lot had changed in his life…
He then went to see Moses, but had no luck as he was with Matty and Amy. Despite this, he confirmed to Charity that he’d be sticking around to spend time with his son. Charity, safe to say, was not too keen.
After a parenting lesson, Ross tried to get round Charity, but she only wanted answers. Ross weirdly then wanted a selfie for Moses. Seems strange for a first return…
Ross gave his two pence on Mack, but Charity found out he and Rebecca had ended. Not only that… she is dead. Yes, Rebecca White has died.
Ross explained he was left with Seb one day while Rebecca went in for a routine operation. However he was then told that Rebecca’s heart stopped during surgery. Since then, he and Seb were close until Seb was taken to live with Rebecca’s aunt in Bristol. Ross thought it was probably for the best.

Nicola reported Tom in Emmerdale tonight
Jimmy headed over to the B&B to let Tom know he was welcome back to the King residence at any point. Nicola wasn’t too keen… rightly so!
She was still angry at Tom, and came up with an idea. She and Carl headed to the police station, and Carl gave a statement about the missing tablet…
The police said they’ll review the recording and get back when they have more information.
Nicola got a shock when she got back to see Tom moved back in. However, the police turned up just in time to take Tom in for questioning.
Jimmy took his anger out by ranting at Nicola, but she insisted the police needed to know. Will they make up? And is this finally Tom’s downfall?
Also in Emmerdale tonight…

Moira left
Matty and Moira were still happy to go away, despite the shock of Ross turning up. Cain was more than surprised to hear when they told him… not exactly the news he expected over his morning cuppa.
He came around to the idea of their tour to visit Adam, especially with Moira’s agreement that she’d be back before her operation.
Nevertheless, Cain was struggling with the prospect of her going away.
As Moira and Cain comforted each other both were painfully aware this could be a rehearsal for a more permanent farewell…
Aaron covered for Billy
Dawn was not happy to see Aaron at the pub. Billy told her to back off, but she was interested to hear what he had to say when he suggested Billy might be hiding something…
After Billy’s stern look, Aaron backed down. Will the truth come out?
Billy hid money from Dawn and offered pizza, she shared concern, but he reassured her they would be okay…
When bringing the pizzas in, he was confronted by Ross, who warned him he was in great danger. Ross said he had to fight again. We wonder how this one will go…