In Emmerdale tonight (Thursday, October 24), Belle’s mental
health continued to decline following the death of her dad, Zak Dingle.
Belle has been having an internal battle since suffering
abuse at the hands of Tom – and it’s not getting any better. Now we know Belle is hearing voices in her head. Will she be able to get help soon? Here’s what else happened in Emmerdale tonight.

Emmerdale tonight: Belle’s struggles
The episode kicked off tonight with Belle trying to tidy up Zak’s grave frantically. Lydia returned with a worried look on her face – not the last time she’d be making that expression, either. Lydia was nervous for Belle, and tried to get her to leave the house for the day. It was no good, however…
She headed to the grave, Belle broke down and responded to voices… but we couldn’t hear them.
Belle tried to dig her dad up. She’s been hearing him among other voices in her head.
After they discover her shouting and covering her ears, Lydia and Sam comforted Belle.
Later on, Sam and Lydia suggested calling Rachel. Sam was unsure, but Belle agreed. She admitted herself into a secluded psychiatric ward to hopefully get better. Poor Belle…
Emmerdale tonight: Tom is smug
Sat outside the café, Tom argued over the phone about Belle being released from police custody.
He claims it was harassment. Ironic, don’t you think…?
Jimmy brought him out a coffee and we learned Belle will go to prison if she approaches him again.
Rhona passed by and Jimmy cornered her asking about Tom’s job. She said he can’t get his job back until the investigation is over. Adding to this, she said he should find another job as she doesn’t believe it’ll work out with her. Good on her!
At the pub, Charity denied Tom service. ‘Too many Dingles,’ according to Jimmy. They’re a protective bunch, after all.
Jimmy and Nicola had Tom’s back. Nicola got a drink from the bar and overheard Charity talk about Belle’s breakdown… she filled Jimmy and Tom in on the news.
Tom was (frustratingly) delighted, the rest of the pub weren’t.
Later on, back at the house, Nicola noticed Carl was uncomfortable around Tom and often tenses up when around him. He even wanted to go home when he accidentally crashed Tom’s toy car.
Will Nicola catch on to Tom’s evil ways?
Emmerdale tonight: Protective Dingle brothers
Struggling with Belle’s mental health decline and the death of Zak, Sam went to Jimmy’s and almost beat him up in anger. He stopped as he realised Tom could use it against Belle.
Cain walked in and split the men up. They shared a drink and discussed their pressures. It’s a tough week to be a Dingle.
Moira and Cain also discussed Belle’s arrest the day before. Cain was worried, saying Belle will never recover.
In positive news, Moira got a new date for her op – 20th November, but she’s wasn’t sure.
She worried Cain has too much pressure from Zak’s death and Belle’s arrest, but Cain reassured her that he’ll be fine.

Billy is determined
Billy took his anger out on his family. Still practising his illegal boxing, he was secretive and on-edge in the home. Meanwhile Mackenzie was impressed at John’s impromptu coaching session. Billy’s defence has improved.
He was still hiding his injury from Dawn.
Later on, John enlisted Aaron’s help in order to persuade Billy he’s not in a fit state to fight. This did not go well. It appears even death couldn’t take Billy’s mind off the fight…
Previously feeling like a failure, Billy’s fight has given him a positive focus. He wanted the money, and pride for his struggling family.
Will he go through with it?
Mandy finds the will
We were greeted with Mandy’s dulcet tones – before she was surprised with a lock-picking Tina Dingle.
Back to her old ways, she reminded Mandy of their ‘agreement.’ She wanted one thing and only one thing – Zak’s will.
After a hair consultation, Mandy said she couldn’t get the will. She refused to rip off her family. That didn’t last long…
Tina threatened to ask Vinny, which Mandy was not pleased with. They argued over family history, affairs, child kidnapping – the usual.
She threatened to lie to Vinny and make herself out as a victim. She gave Mandy until the end of the day or she’d reveal herself to Vinny and tell him of Mandy’s ‘dirty, little secret.’
After much scrambling and almost getting caught, Mandy finally found what she was looking for. Under a sofa, no less…
Mandy called Tina with the news. Will this be the end of it?

Moira discusses her future
Ness and Moira enjoyed a day together while Cain headed off to the hospital to see Belle.
They discussed her health and updating her will… Ness was hopeful, while Belle remained slightly downcast about her future.
She reminded Ness she could end up brain dead or seriously ill. In preparation of that, Moira revealed she had made an ‘advanced’ decision about her health.
Moira told doctors to make no attempt to resuscitate if the worst happened. Ness tried to get her to change her mind, but Moira seemed set.
She hadn’t told Cain. Could that change in the future? Or will it be too late?