Romance hopes for Vinny and Belle dashed as his real mum is revealed – and fans are furious

It’s official – Vinny is a Dingle by blood, as was revealed on

Emmerdale last night (Monday, October 21). In the wake of Zak’s

death and subsequent funeral, the Dingle family has been rocked

by the sudden return of his daughter, Tina. Tina’s cousin Mandy was particularly shocked to see Tina back – not least because she appears to be the birth mother of her son, Vinny. Mandy raised Vinny as her own after his dad, Paul, walked out on them both while Vinny was a baby.

While Vinny wasn’t a Dingle by blood, he was considered an honorary one by the whole family. But, with Tina’s bombshell news, it appears that Vinny might be a born-and-bred Dingle after all!

Mandy isn’t the only one struggling with the news either. Viewers have found themselves upset as Vinny being a Dingle puts paid to fans’ long-held hope that he and Belle might one day be a thing.

Vinny and Belle talk on Emmerdale
Vinny and Belle are closer relatives than we thought (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale fans bereft as Belle is revealed to be Vinny Dingle’s aunt

Reacting on the social media site X, fans shared their disappointment at the pair being close relatives.

“Tina being Vinny’s mum has messed up my Belle x Vinny hopes. Belle is now his auntie,” said one disappointed fan.

“So Vinny is Belle’s nephew then? Good job they never got together like it was looking at one time,” another remarked.

“Had hoped Vinny and Belle would become a couple one day but that’s definitely not happening now!” said a third.

“If Tina ends up somehow being Vinny’s mum, and it destroys any hopes of there being a Vinny & Belle endgame, I’ll never forgive you,” wrote another.

Vinny and Belle smiling on Emmerdale
Well that puts an end to that (Credit: ITV)

Belle and Vinny – a history

Fans have long enjoyed the chemistry between Vinny and Belle. The pair became close friends since he arrived in the village, with the pair enjoying dog walking trips together.

They also supported each other in their darker times – Vinny in grieving wife Liv, and Belle during her abusive marriage to Tom King.

Reconciling after the extent of Tom’s nastiness was revealed, Vinny remains as loyal to Belle as ever.

How will he react when he learns that she might be his aunt?

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