Emmerdale star Michael Parr is returning to the soap as Ross
Barton, six years after his exit. The soap teased his return on social media earlier today
(Tuesday, September 17) with a comedy sketch video featuring Bradley Johnson, who plays Vinny Dingle.
They followed this up with official confirmation that bad boy Ross Barton is indeed making a return to Emmerdale.

Who was Ross Barton?
Ross arrived in 2013 and quickly became one of the soap’s most popular characters.
The son of James and Emma Barton, brother of Pete and Finn and half-brother of Adam Barton, Ross is also the father of Moses Dingle.
During his time in Emmerdale, Ross stepped on a lot of toes. But he also had a softer side and was devastated when Donna Windsor committed suicide following her cancer diagnosis.
Ross also embarked on an affair with Debbie, who was with his brother Pete at the time. But that came to an end when Ross had a one night stand with Debbie’s mum Charity – thus conceiving Moses.
Following a devastating acid attack, Ross battled depression. He later left for a new life in Liverpool in 2018 with girlfriend Rebecca White.
But what has he been up during his time away?

Michael Parr on Emmerdale return
Speaking about his return to the soap, Michael said: “I’m over the moon to be returning to Emmerdale. Ross is a character I’m extremely fond of and I’m excited to explore what he’s been up to over the past five years.
“After seeing the scripts, I can’t wait for the audience to see what’s in store. One thing I can say is Ross’s return will no doubt create fireworks.” Sounds about right.
Producer Laura Shaw added: “We are delighted to have Michael back at Team Emmerdale, playing the unforgettable and charismatic bad boy Ross Barton once again. Ross makes a huge impact from the first moment he arrives back on screen, immediately throwing some of our villagers’ lives into disarray.
“Chaotic, wild and reckless, Ross is absolutely going to shake up the village and prove it’s never quiet with a Barton boy back in town.”