Emmerdale tonight told several things we already knew: Moira
and Cain survived the barn explosion and we now know what’s wrong with her. But there’s no
sign of Nate, who’s believed to have gone to Shetland. Has he though?
Also, Tom is still missing and Belle’s worried sick he’s been hurt by Cain. Here’s everything that happened in Emmerdale on Thursday September 12.

Moira is alive – and we know what’s wrong with her!
Behold! Cain and Moira emerged from the barn under the burning blanket having somehow survived that explosion. God knows how.
John then stepped in and got Moira breathing again. And the emergency services finally arrived – about time!
At the hospital, Moira was stable, but Cain wasn’t really interested in going to see her. He has decided things are over and her nearly dying changes nothing. Oh Cain, from hero to zero in just 10 minutes. Chas gave him a talking to though and in he went. Croaking and dazed, Moira wanted to explain herself to her husband, but Cain wouldn’t even hold her hand. He just demanded the truth.
Even in all of this, he was still more concerned about why she kissed Nate. Moira insisted she didn’t know what she was doing – and her fears something was very, very wrong. Still, Cain wasn’t interested – his pigheadedness is getting about as annoying as Tracy right now.
Moira continued to explain her hallucinations of Emma Barton, but it was only when Moira had a seizure in front of him that he finally, finally saw this was serious. The doctor then did a CT scan and we at last know what’s wrong with Moira: she has a mass putting pressure on her brain.
Cain then changed his tune pretty quickly and comforted his wife, insisted she was going nowhere and nothing she had done had been her fault. We don’t like to say we told you so, Cain, but you know, we did. At least he feels remorseful now and is blaming himself for not helping her. But is it too late for sorry?

Where is Nate?
Vanessa doesn’t believe Nate would cheat with Moira of all people, but Tracy was adamant Nate did it. She won’t hear him out and insisted they were done. Gosh her wallowing is getting really annoying.
John later mentioned to Tracy that Nate definitely wasn’t there when the barn was burning. He said Nate had already gone to Shetland. Has he though? Has he really? Without so much as an exit scene? Hmm…
Meanwhile, Tracy is now worried Nate will meet someone else in Shetland. So you don’t want him, but you don’t want anyone else to have him? Make up your mind love!
Turns out she wanted a big dramatic goodbye with Nate and is upset she didn’t get it. And there was so much talk between Tracy and Vanessa about how Nate will always be there and he’ll call and send presents and be in Frankie’s life. It was all a bit OTT, hammering home how Nate is fine.
Oh and then Cain told Caleb: “I’ll be lucky if I still have a son.” If all this isn’t signposting Nate’s death, then we don’t know what is! Is there a shock (not shock) coming?

Tom was still missing in Emmerdale tonight
Vinny comforted Belle who was upset over her situation. She confessed Tom was abusing her and she thought he would have killed her. But Belle was still panicking about whether Cain had hurt Tom.
Meanwhile, Jimmy locked horns with Charity in the pub as he defended his nephew. The battle lines have been drawn and it’s Dingles versus Kings. We know who our money is on…
Amelia confided in Kerry that Belle was spreading lies about Tom. But it was clear Kerry was concerned Amelia had been sucked in. However, she went to the pub and revealed all to Chas, who was shocked. Finally Emmerdale has brought Chas into the storyline – it’s about time!
As Chas blamed herself, everyone is really worried about missing Tom and whether Cain has done him in. So where is Tom?
Also in Emmerdale tonight…
We’d almost forgotten about Will – and so had everyone else, but at the barn fire Chas realised he was missing. Mack located him around the side, unconscious. Mack shouted for help with far more gusto than he’d used about his sister in the previous episode.
Will was taken to hospital where he was hopeful of a reunion with Dawn when she came to see him. But she was just checking he was okay and off she sulked to cut her nose off and spite her face again.
We finally found out more about John – he was an army medic. He was hailed a hero in the pub, but found all the attention uncomfortable. As he had a drink with Aaron, Aaron tried to persuade him to stick around and it’s clear his feelings for his ex’s half-brother run deep.