OMG SHOCKING !!! Poppy Mourns Luna’s Tragic Passing from Drug Overdose on The Bold and The Beautiful

the latest Revelations about the following developments show that Katie

has become the closest person and the biggest support for Bill after poppy was arrested

this is a big turning point because Katie has long wanted to remove poppy from

Bill’s life the person she has always loved and longed to have completely poppy

with her presence full of pressure and Potential Threat has always been a big obstacle for Katie Poppy’s arrest has created a big opportunity for Katie and she quickly

rasped it to put herself in a positionthat she believes she deserves to be Bill’s wife however another big obstacle Still Remains and it is the relationship between Bill and Luna Luna is not just Bill’s daughter but also an important part of his life bill has always loved and cared for Luna which has made it impossible for Katie to comfortably enter Bill’s life completely Katie realized that in order to be able to reunite with Bill and win his heart she needed to remove Luna from the picture Katie in her calculating and desperate State came up with a dangerous plan a
dark vision appeared when Katie saw Luna enjoying the mints which sparked a dark idea in Katie’s mind she remembered the two previous massacres and how mints were used to cause accidents needless to say in dire situations people can think of the most desperate actions Katie decided that she would use this method to remove Luna a way that no one would suspect Katie secretly put mints in Luna’s drink creating an accident that could lead to an overdose Katie’s plan was carefully calculated she knew that if this
happened no one would suspect Luna’s death because RJ who was close to Luna definitely knew that Luna had used these mints before especially when she made the mistake of sleeping with zendi this further strengthened Katie’s plan because when Luna learned that her mother was arrested she could turn to these mints to find comfort or even to forget the pain when Bill discovered Luna lying unconscious on the floor his heart seemed to stop beating he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw his daughter in such a miserable state in a
panic Bill quickly took Luna to the hospital hoping that the situation could still be saved however all his hopes were quickly dashed when the doctors announced that it was too late Luna had passed away from drug overdose a feeling of helplessness and pain filled Bill’s mind he couldn’t understand how things could have fallen to such a bad State Luna’s death was not only a shock to Bill but also caused a shock wave in the entire family the police soon arrived at the scene and conducted an investigation they quickly concluded
that Luna’s death was due to drug overdose specifically due to the use of mints that she had been addicted to before this conclusion was like a knife stabbing into Bill’s heart he felt like he had lost everything when Luna was no longer in this world this pain not only belonged to Bill but also deeply affected poppy poppy could not keep calm when hearing the news of her daughter’s death the pain invaded her when thinking about the past when she had let Luna used those mints without realizing the serious
consequences of them she blamed herself for not intervening sooner not preventing Luna from falling into the dangerous spiral of these pills poppy now has to live with endless regret when Luna’s death is like a sentence that can never be erased in her heart however in all this pain and turmoil no one knew that Katie was the one behind Luna’s death Katie cold and calculating had made a cruel plan to eliminate Luna so that she could completely take over Bill’s heart without any obstacles she knew that using the mints

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