Fans are buzzing with speculation after spotting subtle hints that Mack
and Aaron might be the next big romance. If the show will ‘ship’ them
together, viewers hope it won’t drag out until 2026. There’s been chatter
about Mack’s jealousy over Aaron’s new fling and his concerned reactions. While some are excited about the possibility of ‘Maron,’ others think Aaron needs a loyal friend more than a new romance. Read on for more details!
Is a New Power Couple Brewing?
Fans are excited as speculation grows about a possible romance between Aaron and Mack. There have been subtle hints suggesting that something more might be brewing between them. It all began with Reddit comments highlighting the strong friendship between Aaron and Mack, reminiscent of Aaron’s bond with Adam before.
Some fans are noting Mack’s jealousy over John disrupting the bromance. If John and Aaron become a couple and Aaron has to choose between John and Mack, Mack might be left out. One fan pointed out a memorable scene from when Aaron was on the run and hiding out in Edna’s house.
In that scene, it is revealed that Aaron is in love with Adam. Surprisingly, the show never explored this storyline further. So, would fans ship Aaron and Mack, too? Well, not entirely. Many feel Aaron needs a loyal friend more than a new romance. Since Adam left, Aaron doesn’t even have Robert or Liv.
But there’s a hope that Mack and Aaron might eventually get together as fans have noticed some subtle hints, like Mack’s jealousy over Aaron’s new fling and Charity’s reaction when Mack walked out after she called their relationship a ‘beautiful friendship. Most viewers believe Mack’s jealousy could be the clue that something more is coming.

However, viewers hope it won’t take forever if a romance between Mack and Aaron is on the horizon. Many believe that Mack needs a fresh start, and an affair with Aaron might bring back the old, cheeky Mack. Aaron was at his best when he had an affair with Robert, so maybe that’s just what both characters need.
However, others think their chemistry as best friends is already great. All in all, fans are eager to see what’s next for Aaron and Mack. For more updates on Emmerdale, stay tuned to Soap Opera Daily! So, are you rooting for ‘Maron?’ Let us know in the comments below!