Emmerdale was packed with drama on Thursday night as Rose Jackson’s sinister
plan backfired while framing Kim Tate in an evil twist. Emmerdale fans are convinced
they’ve uncovered Rose Jackson’s impending downfall after her devious scheme
backfired. Earlier this year, Rose made her debut, revealing herself as the estranged ex-wife of Will Taylor and the mother of Dawn Taylor. Rose had walked out on Will and Dawn when Dawn was a baby.
Since her return, it has been clear that Rose isn’t a fan of Will’s new wife, Kim Tate. She also has a connection with another village resident, Ruby Fox Milligan, and this week, the two have been carrying out a secret, sinister plan. On Wednesday’s episode, Ruby pressured Rose to execute their plan, and Rose met with a dealer to obtain a vial of tranquilizer on the outskirts of the village.
As Rose bonded with her estranged daughter, Dawn, it became clear she was having second thoughts about her plan to spike Will’s drink to ruin his marriage with Kim. Despite her reservations, Rose went through with it. Rose intended to target her ex-husband Will by spiking his drink with a tranquilizer. In true soap style, just as she poured him a drink, Dawn and Kim returned home with more drinks poured. Rose lost track of which drink was spiked and started to panic. Initially, it seemed Will had drunk the spiked beverage as he suddenly felt unwell, but after a nap, he felt fine.
However, the real victim was later revealed to be Dawn, who was involved in a horrific car crash where Ella Fowler was also injured. Dawn, who had previously struggled with drug addiction, assured her family she hadn’t relapsed and expressed fears that she had been spiked, claiming she had stopped for a coffee earlier in the day.
Back at home, Dawn held a family meeting and revealed she knew she had been spiked, using the coffee as an excuse to the police. She pointed out that the only drink she sipped was the one at home. Dawn then accused her family of being behind the stunt, saying it had to be someone in the house.
Suspicion started to fall on Rose, who quickly framed Kim, suggesting she had intended to spike her but Dawn accidentally drank the beverage instead. Kim protested her innocence, pointing out that it was clearly Rose behind the stunt, but Dawn began to side with her estranged mother, recalling some of Kim’s past antics, which included previously spiking Dawn years ago.
The episode ended with Kim’s family turning against her and siding with Rose. Viewers quickly took to Twitter, pointing out a key detail that proves Rose is responsible. One person said, “How can Dawn think Kim would spike her? Kim came into the room after her and didn’t have a chance to spike her without being seen.” Another account mentioned, “Rose was in the kitchen with a bottle of Prosecco.” A different viewer added, “Rose may as well have a flashing light above her head saying ‘guilty,’ she looks so obvious.” Meanwhile, another viewer noted, “Kim walked into the kitchen late from her work call after they all started drinking, so how can it be her?”