Last night’s episode of Emmerdale saw Charity Dingle begin to grow suspicious of Tom
King and his abuse of Belle. This came as Tom almost killed himself in a fit of rage, getting
electrocuted while taking out his temper on an isolated barn. Technically Tom’s heart
did stop – being resuscitated by Paddy, who he found there unconscious. Tom’s accident put a stop to Belle’s planned escape to Scotland. Deciding to return for Piper the dog, she was stopped in her tracks by the arrival of Rhona – who had informed her that Tom had been rushed to hospital. Then, after attempting to flee a second time, she was foiled again by Tom, returning home in his wheelchair. Emmerdale Zak Dingle bombshell to ‘rock funeral’ as fans predict dark paternity twist Emmerdale’s Tom ‘rumbled’ as fans ‘work out’ three villagers will ‘rescue Belle’ Charity grows suspicious following Tom’s accident This version of events didn’t sit well with suspicious Charity, who was worried that son Noah might cop the blame for the ‘faulty’ equipment which electrocuted Tom. ‘Something is not adding up!’ she exclaimed later, in frustration.
Is Charity on to something? Emmerdale fans egg on Charity amid suspicions Writing on X as the episode aired, several fans shared their hopes that Charity might be the one to uncover Tom’s abuse. ‘Tom thinks he is so smart. Charity please start piecing things together…’ begged one fan. Tom thinks he is so smart. Charity please start piecing things together…#emmerdale — PittyDitty (@DittyPitty) June 27, 2024 ‘I’m so here for Charity saving Belle. Maybe Charity and Cain teaming up to save her. Emma said she has some big scenes coming up later on in the year with Eden which I’m so excited for,’ said a second. I’m so here for Charity saving Belle Maybe Charity and Cain teaming up to save her Emma said she has some big scenes coming up later on in the year with Eden which I’m so excited for!
#emmerdale — VanityDingle(Emily)️ (@Vanity_Dingle) June 27, 2024 ‘Belle is going end up back in the mental health unit because of the emotional abuse. Finally someone has noticed Tom is a sicko. Cmon Charity sort it out and save Belle,’ wrote a third. BELLE is going end up back in the mental health unit because of the emotional abuse Finally someone has noticed Tom is a sicko. Cmon Charity sort it out and save Belle #Emmerdale — Nadine Hassan (@NadineH95527536) June 27, 2024 ‘I’m here for Charity saving Belle from evil Tom!’ another exclaimed. Im here for Charity saving belle from evil Tom! #Emmerdale — Michelle (@mishybabez_) June 27, 2024 Could Charity be the key to saving Belle from Tom’s abuse?